Tricel productie


Tricel has been our own brand for the consumer market since 1969 and has been further developed and expanded over the years.

The products that we carry under this brand are a good alternative to the A-brand detergents and cleaning products with proven effective cleaning power.

The Tricel assortment can be divided in 2 categories:

  • Tricel Traditional
  • Tricel Professional

Click here for the Tricel assortimentsbrochure.

Tricel Professional

Tricel Professional is specially developed for the professional end-user and applied in the catering sector (hotels, restaurants, and bars), agricultural and the healthcare sector (care homes, hospitals, and general practices). Our professional clients prefer the development
of the products based on the best quality. The power of Tricel Professional is the removal of the most stubborn stains. Which means that it can also compete well with the A brands.




Pak Tricel
Tricel Traditionals

Tricel Traditional

Tricel Traditional consists of a range of natural cleaning agents with a particularly effective cleaning power. The products have been used by millions of households for generations because of their high performance, versatile application possibilities and safety in use. They can no longer be ignored when it comes to cleaning. The products are an environmentally friendly alternative to many cleaning agents on the market. The whole house can be cleaned with just a few products. The range consists of:

  • Tricel coarse grain soda
  • Tricel fine soda
  • Tricel gold Soap
  • Tricel liquid soap

Soda user tips

The Tricel soda products are crystallized through a special production process. This makes the product dissolve faster and makes it even safer to use. Within the Tricel range, a distinction is made between fine and coarse grain soda. Fine soda is the ideal solution for cleaning floors, wall tiles, sanitary facilities, etc. In addition, the product has a strong degreasing effect for cleaning pans, hobs, glassware, etc. Coarse grain soda has the same properties, but due to the coarser structure the product has also a good unblocking effect. It is clear that the products have many different applications. To give an overview of the possibilities, we have summarized the most common applications in a list. Click here to view them.

Tricel soda assortiment
Senzora groeit! Daarom zijn we op zoek naar nieuwe collega's die bij ons gezellige familiebedrijf aan de slag willen. Reken op zo'n 80 vrolijke collega's, een actieve personeelsvereniging, een goed salaris, een dosis humor en een warm nest, waar je met open armen ontvangen wordt!

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Senzora groeit! Daarom zijn we op zoek naar nieuwe collega`s die bij ons gezellige familiebedrijf aan de slag willen. Reken op zo`n 80 vrolijke collega`s, een actieve personeelsvereniging, een goed salaris, een dosis humor en een warm nest, waar je met open armen ontvangen wordt!

Meer weten? Check de link in bio voor actuele vacatures of neem contact op met onze HR-adviseur Simone: / 0570 683 333.

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Signed, sealed, delivered!

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#soda #werkenbijsenzora
#alseenpakketje #opnaarhetmagazijn

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